Tera Left Instance While Talking to Kaia Cant Find Her Again

  • Overview

    The god Saleron won't give his powerful relic to any mortal who can't protect it. Prepare to be tested.

  • The Story so Far…

    You can enter the Sky Garden at level 53, but its story builds on theDanger in Kaiator plotline that starts at level 50.

    TERA Kaiator

    Just after you arrived in the amani city of Kaiator in Northern Shara, the god Killian assassinated its commander, General Kanmur, and one of Killian's jesters dropped the body right in front of you.

    TERA Kaia

    The goddess Kaia, realizing that Killian and the god Thulsa were baiting her, sent you to Sylvanoth to disrupt their plans.

    TERA Staff of Isren

    You recovered Isrenia, the intelligent and powerful staff of the goddess Isren, who revealed Thulsa's plan: to transform the mighty, sleeping god Sikander into a horrible monster under Thulsa's control.


    You battled past hordes of Thulsa's and Killian's minions, then through armies of Sikander's loyal followers. Despite your heroic efforts, Thulsa awakened Sikander in a corrupt form: Kelsaik, harbinger of annihilation.

    However, you disrupted the ritual enough to put Kelsaik beyond Thulsa's control. The goddess Kaia suggested that Saleron, an ancient god imprisoned in Val Elenium, might have a relic powerful enough to dispatch the rampaging Kelsaik—but you'll have to find it before Thulsa and Killian do.

  • How to Enter the Dungeon

    This section will get you past the quests and encounters leading up to Saleron's Sky Garden and help you survive them. Players like you, drawing on extensive in-game experience, developed these tactics, but they don't guarantee success. As with all thingsTERA, you'll need skill and a healthy amount of common sense to win—but these tips will help.

    Quest Title Min Level Starting NPC
    The Imprisoned God 53 Tamur (must have finishedSikander's Bane)
  • 1. A New Hope

    Tamur, Kaiator's new commander, sends you to Fraya in Allemantheia for help finding Saleron's prison. Though Fraya has doubts about Saleron, she directs you to a Mysterium investigator in Elenea.

    TERA Elvar

    Elvar explains Fraya's doubts: Saleron is an old and powerful god who loathes other gods and mortals alike. Elvar guides you to a Mysterium camp inside the Doomcrypt, where Saleron is imprisoned.

    TERA Doomcrypt Map

    At the camp, Legia introduces you to Torsten, Saleron's mortal prophet. Killian has already visited Saleron, Torsten explains. Rather than give the relic to Killian, Saleron broke it into pieces and magically scattered them.

  • 2. Trial by Combat

    Torsten suggests killing some of Killian's minions to earn Saleron's favor. A few ravenous tyraks later, you're ready to talk to Saleron.

    TERA Saleron

    Note: Saleron is a hard god to talk to. If you have trouble highlighting him so you can speak to him, walk slowly along the Ebon Span about 20m below the Sky Garden teleportal and watch for thePress [F] prompt.

    Saleron wants revenge on Killian, but Saleron won't give you the first relic piece unless he's sure you can keep it from Killian. Survive Saleron's Sky Garden, and the relic piece is yours.

  • Garden In the Sky

    The garden is simple enough: a single path from terrace to terrace. Looks like a cakewalk until you realize at least three dragons fly around up there. What else might Saleron keep in his garden?

    TERA Saleron's Map

  • 3. The Really Secret Garden

    Saleron has outfitted the garden's four major terraces as the stages for your trials. Small terraces connect the larger ones and hold smaller challenges, often avoidable. After you clear the first big trial terrace, a second teleportal appears back at the instance's spawn-in point. Use it to return to the furthest trial terrace you've cleared. If you take a break or your party wipes, you don't have to hike the whole way back.

  • 4. Crystal Energy

    Crystals power the garden. Knowing how to handle them will empower you, too.

    TERA Crystal Breaking

    When you see a trio of werlyss, maelkul, and sdurgo crystals on a terrace, get ready for a big fight.

  • 5. The Warm-Up

    The first seeker shard calls up a mandrake chanter and an entourage of minions. That includes a ring of talpids around the edge of the field that knocks you down, so stay toward the center.

    TERA Chanter

    Focus your damage on the chanter, which appears by the exit to the next terrace. It spawns new minions until it dies, at which point all the minions and talpids vanish.

  • 6. Ghosts of Instances Past—The First Trial

    Head to the next terrace and use the three crystals there to buff up. The big terrace just ahead is your first real test: Saleron is going to pick through your memories for a suitable foe to bring back to life.

    You face one of three bosses here: Karascha, Terkasia, or the duo of Duke Volperon and Duchess Tirania, selected randomly each time you run the instance. They're not pushovers—Saleron has granted them new life and much more strength. Each boss spawns in a different part of the terrace's far side. Gather your party by the entry gate—a decent position, whichever boss appears.

    Karascha TERA Karascha

    Akasha's guard dog, back for more. He spawns across from the entry gate on the left side. Watch out for his leap attacks and fireballs at range—they cause a bleeding debuff that slows you and drains your health. Once Karascha drops below 70 percent health, beware his Words of Unmaking. The first two words are just warnings, but once Karascha says the third word, you have just ten seconds to defeat him before your party dies.

    Terkasia TERA Terkasia

    You faced Terkasia in the Cultist's Refuge. Here she spawns almost straight across from the entry gate. Terkasia is slow, but she has several 360-degree attacks. When her torso spins, watch out for an electrical attack that shocks you and leaves you zapping any party members who come near.

    Volperon and Tirania TERA Volperon & Tirania

    The Sinestral Manor's vampir rulers are back. They spawn on the far side near the exit gate. Kill Volperon first—once he dies, everyone else despawns. Watch out for his spin-kick attack, which comes with a curse that takes your health down 90 percent. Tirania can poison you and can also summon minions—focus DPS on them. She'll usually pause a while after summoning them, leaving Volperon open.

  • 7. Prions and Priests

    Catch a speed boost from the zenobic crystal by the exit and head up. Your next engagement is optional—elite prion njalvars and helgevars patrol the platform, but their formation is loose. If you time your movement right, you can pass the prions without alerting them.

    TERA Prion

    The seeker stone on the next terrace triggers another warm-up test: a sikandari priest and his brood of minions.

    TERA Trysawk

    Trysawk, the priest, spawns to the left, midway around the terrace. He's the key mob here. Once he dies, the others disappear. The trouble is he has too many friends for a tank to handle alone. The sneaky solution? Have your healer grab their aggro with an AOE heal, then kite them around the terrace while your tank and DPS beat Trysawk down. Tanks, resist the urge to use skills like Challenging Shout or Torrent of Blows. Let your healers keep the aggro on the minions!

    TERA Crimson Shard

    One more warning: once you bring Trysawk to 50 percent of his health, he summons crimson shards that buff any monsters on the terrace by 35 percent for at least 60 seconds, even if you destroy the shards right away.

  • 8. Barat-kyul—The Second Trial

    Ready for a bigger fight? Pick up some crystals, and then head to the next terrace. Barat-kyul, a giant, is the boss here.

    TERA Barat-kyul

    Barat-kyul spawns straight across the terrace from the entry gate. Besides the usual giant axe and charge attacks, Barat-kyul has a ranged AOE ice attack that slows you down. Barat-kyul also has two pet basilisks, Sagerith and Nuverith, which he summons when he reaches 30 percent health.

    Try to catch Barat-kyul with a sleep or stun when he heads to the center of the room to summon his pets. You'll have to do it again when Barat-kyul tries again at 15 percent health, but it's worth the effort to keep two basilisks from messing up your formation.

    If you can't stop the summoning, choose someone to pull aggro on the basilisks and kill Barat-kyul as fast as you can. The three of them maneuver together and even do combo attacks. A basilisk and a giant flanking you is a recipe for disaster.

  • 9. Armored Guards

    The next two terraces are warm-ups. First, break the seeker shard to summon a palmarek iskaragard (the terrace's key mob) near the terrace's exit. Your lancer can wait by the gate and leash it in for DPS to kill.

    TERA Palmarek

    Several jiteleth iskaragards also spawn, along with three mystral obelisks that spawn their own iskaragards. Kill the palmarek quickly or you'll drown in iskaragards.

    Head up to the next terrace. When you destroy the seeker shard, it spawns an eldritch priest and a karmiir guardian near the exit. The key mob, however, is the infernal cunae that spawns in the center of the terrace.

    TERA Infernal Cunae

    The cunae doesn't actually attack or summon minions, and the eldritch priest drops some decent accessories, so you may want to kill the priest first. Stun the priest if you can, since he summons a second guardian when he spots you. The fastest way to the next platform is to tank the priest and guardians while your DPS destroys the cunae.

  • 10. Round and Round They Go—The Third Trial

    Load up on crystals and head to the third trial terrace. This is another randomized boss fight: Aileak (a fimbrilisk), General Crosendi (an ossugon), or Zelvictus (a dragon).

    Aileak TERA Aileak

    Aileak is a high-powered fimbrilisk. Respect the power, but handle it the way you'd handle any fimbrilisk. It's fast—watch out for pounces and slashes, and when you're in range, watch out for breath attacks.

    Crosendi TERA Crosendi

    General Crosendi is big, armored, and angry. He's also unpredictable. Casters should stay well out of reach of his sword. Crosendi's rage buff boosts his power 35 percent, and he has an endless supply of minions. Have a second tank or DPS pull the minions while everyone else attacks the general.

    Zelvictus TERA Zelvictus

    Yes, a dragon. Zelvictus looks like a cross between a dracoloth and a fimbrilisk, and it has its own unique attacks.

    Zelvictus's default gore attack is only average, but watch out when it rears its head back, marking a special attack. Its blazing breath lights you on fire—a 30-second DOT debuff. It can also spit an explosive gout of flame, leaping clear of attackers and blasting them at the same time.

    In melee, its spin attack knocks down anyone within its long reach. If you're behind it, watch out for that lashing tail. Zelvictus can also launch spikes from its tail against targets in front, or from its back to strike anyone nearby. The spikes inflict a DOT debuff that slows movement and health regeneration.

    TERA Zelvictus

    Plus the spikes do enough damage to kill robed characters instantly and badly wound anyone else. Watch closely and be ready to move.

  • 11. Rage Against the Machines

    The next two terraces are more warm-ups. First is Feradrus, an elite berserker leading a squad of imps. They're all busy enough with drill training that they won't notice you if you sneak past. Keep moving if they do notice you—they fall back after you reach the next terrace.

    TERA Feradrus

    If you fight, be ready for Fedarus's twin, Caeladnus, to appear with another squad of imps. Once the brothers are dead, buff crystals spawn on the terrace. The next terrace's seeker shard calls more elite constructs—either a necarus or a magus, each with a smaller minion.

    TERA Feradrus

    The dread necarus or nurprimus magus are the key mobs here: kill them and everyone else despawns. Don't take too long, though, or they summon reinforcements.

    Be really careful where you line up your party. The shard also summons a ring of dispersus pylons, whose rotating beams knock you flat if they hit you.

    TERA Saleron's Pylon

    You can find safe space at the terrace's edge and center, but moving between them is dangerous—your opponents drop fireblast attacks on prone targets, and two blasts kill anything but a tank.

  • 12. End of an Emprise—The Final Trial

    Use the crystals on the next landing—this is the final stage of Saleron's challenge. When you break the seeker stone, you face one of three dracoloths: Adryssir, Mektryssir, or Valtryssir. All three are powerful and have unusual abilities for dracoloths.

    TERA Dracoloths

    When enraged, each dracoloth inflicts a unique debuff. Adryssir strips your will so that you briefly flee the fight. Mektryssir's talons cause festering wounds that cut your HP regeneration. Valktryssir's potent poison DOT also makes you toxic to any party members who stand near you. Valktryssir's debuff can't be removed, either—it has to run its course.

    Prepare for a very mobile fight: these dracoloths fly, tumble, pounce, charge, and even burrow to get at you. When your target reaches 70 percent health, it'll summon a ring of dispersus pylons around the arena. At 30 percent, the dracoloth summons even more pylons, ringing you tightly into the center of the terrace.

    Dracoloths aren't subtle. Unless they're smacking someone behind them with their tails, the damage goes straight ahead. If the dracoloth is looking at you, get ready to duck.

    When you get the dracoloth to around 50 percent health, watch for a message, "Someone has stolen a key from the Talon of Saleron."

    The moment this message appears, a caiman with a big backpack spawns in the center of the field. Kill it within ten seconds to unlock a bonus encounter. More on that below.

    TERA Caiman

    Once you kill the dracoloth, Torsten appears. Give him the soul stone you won to get a piece of Saleron's ancient slate and the key that activates it. Use the slate and gather the energy it contains. Now that you have the ancient slate, a teleportal back to the Ebon Span spawns on the terrace.

  • 13. …Or Is It?

    However, if you killed the caiman during the final fight, you'll find a second teleportal nearby that the caiman's key unlocks. Notice that extra terrace on the sky garden map? That's Saleron's Secluded Terrace, a special area and not part of the test.

    If Saleron's test wasn't enough for you—or you just want more loot—you can go to the real final terrace to face…


    Apparently Saleron worried his tests might be too hard: he held back his most powerful dracoloth. Laknerus is big, angry, and very dangerous. It also drops the best loot in the instance.

    TERA Laknerus

    Laknerus isn't graceful, but it is powerful. Like Zelvictus, it breathes eldritch flames that light you on fire, doing DOT and debuffing you because…you're on fire.

    Like most dracoloths, Laknerus is understandably proud of its power and flies into a rage if insulted. Unfortunately, you can insult it by beating it in a fair fight. If Laknerus starts mouthing off, watch out! It will fly into the air, circle the field, and land with a 20 percent buff to its power. It's not that bad if it happens once, but the buff stacks with itself—infinitely.

    Fortunately you can interrupt Laknerus's tantrum before the buff activates if you're quick. Stun it. Leash it. Sleep it. Just don't let it get into the air, or the fight can quickly get away from you.

  • 14. Out of the Garden

    Once you kill Laknerus, teleport back to the previous terrace and use the regular teleportal to return to the Ebon Span. Talk to Saleron, who's impressed enough by your efforts to grant a standing invitation back to his garden whenever you'd like.

    A word about loot: some of the mobs in Saleron's Sky Garden drop special trial badges you can trade to Trilom, a vendor in Elenea, for superior gear. One trip won't net enough badges to buy much, but they're a good reason to come back to the dungeon.

    Only one quest (Saleron's Invitation, repeatable quest from Torsten, max level 59) leads back into the instance, but you can use Instance Matching to return as well. Remember: each time you come back, the random bosses are different. Saleron's Sky Garden is always a lovely and exciting place for a stroll.

  • ablesneave1973.blogspot.com

    Source: http://tera4you.blogspot.com/2014/02/salerons-sky-garden-guide.html

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